WingHaven Lodge
Russell Edwards
Bald Knob Road
Marion, KY 42064
Contact Info:
Phone: (270) 836-7998
Mobile: (270) 635-2180

Who says you have to go to Arkansas to shoot hundreds of green heads in flooded timber!This place exists right below the hill just minutes from the lodge, the tradewater river bottoms is home to a variety of duck species, from gaddy's and pintails to divers and teal, and the ever challenging speed duck the beautiful whistling woody. Kentucky is fortunate to have an early wood duck season and because of our preserve status we are also allowed to shoot Mallards in unlimited numbers.
This hunt is very challenging and action packed you should on an average morning encounter as many as 100 ducks. Each hunter is positioned in one of our flooded timber sloughs" for safety and comfort, as the ducks are called and decoyed in.
Like hunting ducks anywhere you show too quick you lose your opportunity, guides will assist you and call shots along with working the retriever.
Four hunters fill the blinds and we have two sloughs' available from September to April. All ducks are banded for identification purposes and all state and federal rules regarding steel shot and licensing are in effect.