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Triple Creek Outfitters

Triple Creek Outfitters
Richard Blakeslee
1350 NE Tenth Ave
St. John, KS 67545

Contact Info:
Phone: (620) 617-7550


Triple Creek Outfitters Facebook


f you didn't know Central Kansas was a waterfowl state, then you soon will! Triple Creek Outfitters is located 25 miles straight south of Cheyenne bottoms and 16 miles west of the Quivira National Wildlife Refuge. Both of these combined creates the largest waterfowl stops in the Central Flyway. With goose numbers pushing over a million at times and duck numbers in the hundred thousand range, mixed with acres of corn stubble & wheat fields, the sky is dark with birds & the bed of the truck soon becomes full! Let our professional guides take you out and experience what it's like to see geese fly out and head to our spread of decoys for hours.